

一、 项目名称:


二、 时间、地点:


三、 教学内容:


四、 拟招生对象、人数:


五、 拟聘教授及简介:

1、Dr. David W. Chapman


2、Dr. Hubert Ertl


3、Dr. Gerard A. Postiglione




六、 收费:


七、 奖学金:


八、 住宿安排:


九、 餐饮:


About the Summer School

1. Program Name

GSE International Summer School

2. When and Where

June 24 to July 3, 2013, GSE, SJTU Minhang Campus

3. Activities

The summer program consists of three sections: lectures and workshops provided by international and domestic scholars, student presentations and roundtable discussions, and excursions to Songjiang University Town and a nearby historical town.

4. Number of Students

We expect to recruit 30 (post)graduate students and outstanding undergraduate seniors.

5. Professors

① Dr. David W. Chapman

Dr. Chapman is a Birkmaier Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Minnesota. During the last two decades, Dr. Chapmen has worked in more than 45 developing countries, assisting national governments and international organizations in the areas of educational policy and planning, program design and evaluation.

② Dr. Hubert Ertl

Dr. Hubert Ertl is Lecturer in Higher Education and Director of the Department’s MSc Education program at Oxford University. He is also Senior Research Fellow of the ESRC-funded Centre on Skills, Knowledge and Occupational Performance (SKOPE). His research interests include international aspects of higher education, vocational education and training, EU educational policies, the transfer processes between education and training and the world of work, and widening participation in higher education.

③ Dr. Gerard A. Postiglione

Gerard A. Postiglione is Professor and Head, Division of Policy, Administration and Social Sciences at the Faculty of Education, and Director of the Wah Ching Center of Research on Education in China of the University of Hong Kong. His scholarship focuses on reform and development in China and East Asia, and he has published over 100 journal articles and book chapters, and 12 books.

④ Dr. Niancai Liu

Prof. Liu is currently the Director of the Center for World-Class Universities and the Dean of Graduate School of Education at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His current research interests include world-class universities, university evaluation, science policy, and institutional research.

6. Fees

Registration Fee: $100 USD (630 RMB)

7. Grants

Travel grant for oversea students will be provided based on both merit and need. The level of coverage is based on the cost of international flights to Shanghai.

8. Accommodation

GSE will cover 10-night hotel stay (from June 24 to July 3, double occupancy). Longer stay, single occupancy or special request will charge extra at your own expense.

9. Meals

At student’s own expense.