Associate Professor
- Research Fields:career development of academic returnees, higher education and science, technology policy in Germany, transnational mobility and intercultural adjustment of international students and scholars
- Dr. Jiani Zhu received her Ph.D. in Comparative Education from the Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin in 2012, and her primary research area is the intercultural adjustment and readjustment of international students and scholars. In particular, she has been working on the academic adjustment of Chinese students abroad. The title of her latest book is "Chinese Overseas Students and Intercultural Learning Environments: Academic Adjustment, Adaptation, and Experience" (Zhu, 2016). She is the co-author of “Perspective on dynamic development of Higher Education in China” (Henze & Zhu, Xu, 2013), published in the book "Ideas and Realities of Universities" (in German) and "Current Research on Chinese Students Studying Abroad" (Henze & Zhu, 2012), in the "Journal of Research in Comparative and International Education". Her current interest is on the readjustment of Chinese students and scholars returning from overseas, and Higher Education and Science and Technology Policy in Germany.
- Curriculum Vitae
- Research Center: CSAHD
- E-mail:
- Telephone: +86 21 34204859