
1st International Conference on Education and Human Development (EHD-1)


The Center for Education and Human Development, Graduate School of Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University is proud to announce the first International Conference on Education and Human Development (EHD-1) to be held on May 16-17, 2020. EHD-1 features the theme of "Pioneering Higher Education Innovation: Teaching and Learning in Research Universities".

This theme is framed in the context of the increasingly significant roles of research universities in producing ground-breaking science and technological advances, educating the next generation talents in key economic and social arenas, and leading innovations in the various dimensions of teaching and learning.

The conventional goals of teaching and learning are encountering unprecedented challenges along with the opportunities in a complex and ever-changing world. The societal and economic changes emerged from the crosscurrent of globalization and localization are impacting on policy-making and practices of universities. Moreover, exponential knowledge growth and rapid technological changes are influencing how people learn and what they learn. Such changes are inevitably transforming the ways of teaching and learning in research universities. EHD-1 attempts to provide a discussion forum for scholars, researchers, policymakers, administrators, educational and industrial professionals and practitioners to address these issues.

Conference participants are invited to address topics including, but not limited to:

Educational Innovations

- In what ways may research universities initiate educational innovations to produce talents of the next generation?

- What educational innovations can be launched at institutional, departmental, and course levels in light of the societal and technological changes?

Multiple Stakeholders Engagement

- How should multiple stakeholders (e.g. policy-makers, administrators, professors, students, employers) react/respond to the societal, economic, and technological challenges that research universities are facing?

- What are the best practices in enhancing the collaborative efforts between research universities and industrial, governmental and other sectors?

Student Learning Experiences

- How should curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular learning activities be organized and implemented to enhance students' learning experiences?

- What are the best practices in increasing students' engagement and improving students' learning outcomes?

Assessment and Evaluation

- What assessment criteria/ processes/procedures should be adopted for evaluating the future talents in research universities?

Participants interested in presenting a contribution are kindly asked to submit an extended abstract of 800~1,200 words by February 20, 2020. The Program Committee of EHD-1 will organize a peer-review process. The author(s) will be informed about the results of the submission by March 1, 2020.

The admitted proposals will be compiled as a handbook and distributed during the conference. Selected contributors will be invited to submit full-developed chapter(s) for an upcoming book to be published with distinguished publisher(s) in higher education.

Please click here to visit the conference website.

Center for Education and Human Development

Graduate School of Education

Shanghai Jiao Tong University