
Highlighting "Future Education": School of Education held Shanghai Forum for Education Excellence 2022 (SFEE 2022)


On November 17, 2022, Shanghai Forum for Education Excellence 2022 (SFEE 2022), organized by School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, was held online. The theme of this forum is “Futures of Education in the Post-Pandemic Era”. Eleven world-renowned scholars from home and abroad were invited to attend, with online registration from 23 countries and regions, and thousands of attendees on the live streaming platform.

Professor Feng-Kuang Chiang, Director of Center for Future Education (CFE), School of Education, hosted the opening ceremony. Professor Kuiling Ding, Executive Vice President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Dr. Linyuan Wang, Secretary of CPC SOE Committee, Director of Basic Education Office, delivered speeches and expressed their wishes to share educational experiences with scholars from home and abroad, explore feasible methods, models and paths for future education, promote educational innovation, and improve the cultivation mechanism of innovative talents through this forum.

Professor Kuiling DingleftDr. Linyuan Wangright

Professor Jianhua Lin, Director of Future Education Management Research Center, Peking University, analyzed the challenges and emphasized the need for higher education reform; Professor David E. Pritchard, from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, investigated academic dishonesty in the online learning environment and suggested ways to prevent wrongdoing in future classes; Professor Manli Li, Dean of Long Spring Institute for Learning and Human Development, Tsinghua University, shared her research on status quo and educational effects of elite school groups (ESG) in response to Beijing's educational equity strategy.

Professor Jianhua LinleftProfessor David E. PritchardmidProfessor Manli Liright

Professor Barbara Schneider, from the College of Education and the Department of Sociology at Michigan State University, found that through empirical research, social and emotional constructs have a positive impact on the academic science learning of elementary and middle school students in the United States; Professor Chunsheng Yang, a distinguished alumnus of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, also Principal Research Officer of National Research Council Canada, Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (FCAE), shared his views on the topic of AI education and proposed a bright vision for the future development of AI for education excellence; Professor Hung Wei Loong, Dean of the National Institute of Education of Nanyang Technological University, shared practices currently conducted at the National Institute of Education.

Professor Barbara SchneiderleftProfessor Chunsheng Yang Professor (mid) Professor Hung Wei Loongright

Professor Chenghua Guan, Director of the Institute of Innovation and Development (CIID), Beijing Normal University, proposed that Education in Sustainability (EiS) is a key strategy to help build an ecological civilization, and it is important to improve people’s knowledge regarding sustainability and cultivating their sustainable values; Prof. Yonghe Wu, Department of Education Information Technology, East China Normal University, described the needs and paradigms of digital transformation in the post-pandemic era; Professor Geping Liu, Dean of School of Educational Technology, Southwest University, shared the research that focused on deep tracking of learners' cognitive status in a VR environment to provide key technologies for VR intelligent learning environments.

Professor Chenghua GuanleftResearcher Yonghe WumidProfessor Geping Liuright

Professor Hannele Niemi, Faculty of Education Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland, and UNESCO Chair in Educational Ecosystems for Equity and Quality of Learning, suggested that the next generation should be prepared cognitively, socially, and emotionally for the future that is full of changes, both predictable and unpredictable; Dr. Elizabeth Hartnell-Young, Research Fellow, Institute of Education, University of Melbourne, emphasized that schools and teachers must know the learners and make decisions about the best ways to support them in a hybrid future for learning and teaching.

Professor Hannele NiemileftDr. Elizabeth Hartnell-Youngright

The closing ceremony of the forum was chaired by Prof. Feng-Kuang Chiang. Dr. Wong Lung Hsiang, Senior Education Research Scientist, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, summarized the forum. Associate Professor Zhuolin Feng from the School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, introduced “Education of China and the World (ECW)” and shared the team’s vision and key contents of the book. Mr. Nathan Pelton, IC Junior High Deputy Director & Head Foreign Teacher of Suzhou Foreign Language School, and Dr. James Davis, Senior Lecturer of the School of Creative Industries of Queensland University of Technology, shared their thoughts on the book.

Professor Feng-Kuang Chiang introducing the closing ceremony guests

WRITTEN BY: Center for Future Education (CFE)