
Invitation of Alumni Homecoming Day


Dear Alumni:

Join us for the next definite-to-be memorable alumni homecoming day and celebrate our alma mater's 127th Birthday on April 8-9!

As our university motto goes, “responsibility and love” , which can be literallly interpreted as “don’t forget your alma mater when you make great achievements”. Let's gather on our beautiful campus to reminisce about our youth, renew our friendship, and map the future!

The School of Education at Shanghai Jiao Tong University invites all alumni to join us for an unforgettable weekend of events, including a commemorative meeting, a delicious lunch, and the chance to reconnect with fellow students.

Don't miss this opportunity to relive your cherished memories and create new ones with your alma mater. See you soon!

School of Education

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

March 24, 2023