
Dr. CHEN Jiexiu Presented at the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association (BERA)


Assistant Professor CHEN Jiexiu from the School of Education participated in the annual conference of the British Educational Research Association (BERA) in the United Kingdom and presented her research on the educational mobility experiences of rural students. BERA is the largest educational research organization in the UK, dedicated to promoting the connection between educational research and practice, and advancing the development of educational policies and practices. The conference was held at Aston University, where Dr. Chen's presentation received enthusiastic questions and discussions.


Dr. CHEN's conference paper explores how social change, urbanization, and widespread neoliberal reforms affect the social mobility experiences of rural students, and how to consider their experiences in intergenerational and historical dimensions. This study uses qualitative data collection and analysis methods combined with life history narratives to understand the limitations and disadvantages that rural students experience compared to their urban peers after entering higher education, and further understand how the hierarchical structure in rural education affects their habits and capital. The analysis shows that the development of marketization and elitist ideology in the education field has exacerbated inequality between urban and rural students, and the rural education field is not homogeneous but contains internal hierarchical structures. Influenced by different sources of power, the rural education field shapes the habits and capital of rural students, and further affects their mobility trajectories before and during university.


This study aims to explore a more reflective and critical application of social class theory such as Bourdieu's in the Chinese context. Considering the complexity and uniqueness of China's social environment, this study aims to localize and contextualize relevant theoretical tools through the process of data analysis, and hopes to enrich these theoretical frameworks through data presentation and reflective writing. This study hopes to raise awareness of the challenges faced by rural students, in order to provide targeted recommendations for schools, teachers, and relevant departments to better support students who are capable and motivated to receive higher education, helping them better prepare for future life and career prospects.

Written by CHEN Jiexiu

Edited by CHEN Ruoxi