
Professor CHIANG Fengkuang Welcomes Senior Scholar from Brookings Institution


On July 1st, SOE Vice Dean and Tenured Professor CHIANG Fengkuang welcomed Michael Hansen, a scholar from the 2024 U.S.-China Youth Elite Program, Senior Fellow and Director at the Brookings Institutions Brown Center on Education Policy. The meeting revolved around STEM education policies and practices in China and the United States. CHEN Ruoxi, International Affairs Officer of SOE, also attended the meeting.

Professor CHIANG first extended a warm welcome to Hansen and his colleagues, offering an overview of the school's initiatives and Chinas strategic efforts in advancing STEM education. He highlighted Chinas comprehensive approach to integrate STEM education so as to enhance primary and secondary education quality while fostering students’ innovation and engineering literacy in the 21st century. CHIANG underscored Chinas national strategy for STEM education, the Ministry of Educations policy directions, Shanghais collaboration with UNESCO, and SJTUs contributions to STEM education innovation. He stressed that incorporating STEM into teaching not only sparks student interest but is also a global trend in educational innovation, calling for joint efforts to create a vibrant STEM education ecosystem.

Dr. Hansen expressed heartfelt thanks for the warm reception from SOE and briefly shared successes and challenges in the development of STEM education in the U.S. He praised Chinas achievements in STEM education, noting that the visit enriched his understanding of Chinas STEM education policies and practices, further igniting his interest in the field, and looked forward to more cooperation in the future.


This exchange fostered mutual understanding and cooperation in STEM education from both sides. At the end of the meeting, Professor CHIANG presented Hansen with gifts, symbolizing friendship and future collaboration. Both sides looked forward to more opportunities for cooperation to promote global STEM education development.

Written and Edited by CHEN Ruoxi

Proofread by CHIANG Fengkuang