Selected Conferences



2nd International Conference on World-Class Universities


31 October - 2 November, 2007

Shanghai, China


Wednesday, 30 October

Whole day

Arrival of participants


Welcome reception

Thursday, 1 November


Opening Session: Welcoming remarks and overview of meeting objectives

Prof. Nian Cai Liu, Director, Institute of Higher Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Dr. Jan Sadlak, Director, UNESCO-CEPES


Session I: Plenary Lecture

Chair: Dr. Jamil Salmi, Tertiary Education Coordinator, The World Bank

Prof. Philip G. Altbach, Director, Center for International Higher Education, Boston College, USA

Empires of knowledge: the challenges of world-class research universities in developing countries


Coffee Break


Session II: Conceptual Aspects of World-Class Universities

Chair: Prof. Hans Weder, President, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Prof. Monique Canto-Sperber, Director, École Normal Superieure, France

About evaluation of world class universities: Respect of differences between nations in the definition of evaluation criteria

Prof. André Siganos, Director General, CampusFrance, France

Rankings, governance and attractiveness: the new French context

Uwe Brandenburg and Prof. Detlef Mueller Boeling, Director, Center for Higher Education Development (CHE), Germany

Identifying the best: the CHE-ranking of excellent European graduate programmes in natural sciences

General discussion




Session III: National Strategies for Building World-Class Universities – Part 1

Chair: Prof. Monique Canto-Sperber, Director, Ecole Normale Supérieure, France

Prof. Hans Weder, President, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Quality assurance and promotion of excellence in the Swiss university system

Prof. Vladimir Troyan, St. Petersburg University, Russia

Main principles of the strategy on building world-class universities in Russia

Prof. Bertrand Bellon, Director, ADIS, University Paris-Sud (XI), France

The restructuring of the national French system of research and world-class universities

General discussion


Coffee Break


Session IV: National Strategies for Building World-Class Universities – Part 2

Chair: Prof. Detlef Müller-Böling, Director, Center for Higher Education Development (CHE), Germany

Prof. Anders Flodström, Chancellor, Swedish National Agency for Higher Education, Sweden

Swedish strategies for world-class status in the context of university rankings - metrics for academic science

Prof. Ivan Rozman, Rector, and Prof. Marko Marhl, Vice-Rector, University of Maribor, Slovenia

Improving quality of universities by world-university-ranking in Slovenia and the Danube region

Prof. Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Center for the Advancement of Higher Education, Tohoku University, Japan

The new direction of Japanese higher education policy: Conflicts between global and domestic logic

Prof. Kampechara Puriparinya, ChulalongKorn University, Thailand

Strategies towards the world-class universities of Thai higher education institutions

General discussion



Friday, 2 November


Session V: Keynote Lecture

Chair: Dr. Jamil Salmi, Tertiary Education Coordinator, The World Bank

Prof. John Casteen, President, University of Virginia, USA

Effective university management in difficult times


Coffee Break


Session VI: Institutional Practices for Building World-Class Universities – Part 1

Chair: Prof. Bertrand Bellon, Director, ADIS, University Paris-Sud (XI), France

Prof. Jing Huan Shi, Tsinghua University, China

Combining the vision, mission and actions: Tsinghua’s experience in building the world-class university

Prof. José-Ginés Mora, Director, Center for the Study of Higher Education, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

Strategies for developing a world-class university in a complex context: the case of the Valencia University of Technology

Associate Prof. Gil Sun Song, Institute of Higher Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

A step toward a world-class research university: Seoul National University


Coffee Break


Session VI: Institutional Practices for Building World-Class Universities – Part 2

Chair: Dr. Kathryn Mohrman, Executive Director, Hopkins-Nanjing Center, and Johns Hopkins University, USA

Dr. Tony Sheil, Senior Manager, Research Policy Office for Research, Griffith University, Australia

Implications of world university rankings for national and institutional research strategy of small developed nations

Prof. Richard Russell, Pro Vice-Chancellor, University of Adelaide, Australia

The pursuit of scale and focus at the University of Adelaide

Prof. Salem Al-Agtash, Dean, School of Information & Computing, German-Jordanian University, Jordan

Class universities in developing countries: German-Jordanian University model

General discussion




Session VII: Cooperation and Competition among Research Universities

Chair: Associate Prof. Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Center for the Advancement of Higher Education, Tohoku University, Japan

Dr. Kathryn Mohrman, Executive Director, Hopkins-Nanjing Center, and Johns Hopkins University, USA

Educational exchanges: What world-class universities should not adopt from U.S. higher education

Anatoly Oleksiyenko, Higher Education Group, University of Toronto, Canada

Global portfolios and strategic international partnerships of a major research university

Nicola Owen, Academic Registrar, University of Warwick, UK

Elite scientists and the global brain drain

General discussion


Coffee Break


Session VIII: World-Class Universities – International Perspectives

Chair: Prof. Jie Zhang, President, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Dr. Jamil Salmi, Tertiary Education Coordinator, The World Bank

Creating world-class universities: a World Bank view

Dr. Jan Sadlak, Director, UNESCO-CEPES

The impact of seeking world-class status from the point of view of internationalization/globalization


Final Discussion and Closing Remarks

Prof. Nian Cai Liu, Director, Institute of Higher Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Dr. Jan Sadlak, Director, UNESCO-CEPES