Selected Conferences



7th International Conference on World-Class Universities


6-9 November, 2017

Shanghai, China


Monday, 6 November

Whole day

Arrival of participants



Tuesday, 7 November


Opening Session: Welcome Remarks and Overview of Conference Goals

Nian Cai Liu, Dean, Graduate School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Jan Sadlak, President, IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence

Zhongqin Lin, President, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (to be confirmed)


Session I: Keynote Speech

Chair: Nian Cai Liu, Dean, Graduate School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Simon Marginson, Director, Centre for Global Higher Education, UCL Institute of Education, University College London, UK

National competition and global cooperation in the world-class university sector


Session II: Global Perspective

Chair: Stamenka Uvalić-Trumbić, Higher Education Expert, France

Philip G. Altbach, Research Professor, Boston College, USA

Responsibilities of research universities in differentiated academic systems

Pierre De Maret, Emeritus President, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

World-class universities in a post-truth world

Marijk van der Wende, Dean of Graduate Studies & Professor of Higher Education, Utrecht University, Netherlands

Reframing global engagement: World-class universities’ contribution to an open society

Futao Huang, Professor, Hiroshima University, Japan

What are benefits and risks of internationalization of Japanese higher education?




Session III: Global Perspective

Chair: Jamil Salmi, Global Tertiary Education Expert

Gerard A. Postiglione, Chair Professor and Coordinator, Consortium for Higher Education Research in Asia, The University of Hong Kong, China

World class universities (WCUs) and the global common good (GCG): The role of China and America

Jenny J. Lee, Professor, Center for the Study of Higher Education, University of Arizona, USA

Examining rankings and strategic planning: Variations in local commitments

Seeram Ramakrishna, Director, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Are the world-class universities decoupling from the reality? Opportunity for transformative undergraduate education in Asia

Alex Usher, President, Higher Education Strategy Associates, Canada, Boston College, USA;

The changing finances of world-class universities


Coffee Break


Session IV: National Perspective

Chair: Marijk van der Wende, Dean of Graduate Studies & Professor of Higher Education, Utrecht University, Netherlands

Vicki Thomson, Chief Executive, The Group of Eight, Australia

Managing a group of the world’s leading research-intensive universities through fragile political settings

Isak Froumin, Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia

State and world-class universities: seeking for balance between international competitiveness and local and national relevance

Charles A. Goldman, Senior Economist, RAND Corporation, USA

Pursuing excellence in graduate education and research while serving regional development

Yang Zhang, Director, Institutional Research, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, USA

Hawaii and its only world-class university: A multi-angle analysis


Conference Dinner

David Liu, Managing Director (Asia-Pacific), Clarivate Analytics

Dinner Speech

Wednesday, 8 November


Session V: Keynote Speech

Chair: Simon Marginson, Director, Centre for Global Higher Education, UCL Institute of Education, University College London, UK

Teresa A. Sullivan, President, University of Virginia, USA

Thinking locally, acting globally: Higher education in a global century


Coffee Break


Session VI: Institutional Perspective

Chair: Pierre De Maret, Emeritus President, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Jamil Salmi, Global Tertiary Education Expert

The art of starting a new university: Lessons of experience

Abdulrahman O. Alyoubi, President, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia

KSA 2030 Vision: Institutional accreditation for entrepreneurship and engagement - Challenges and opportunities

Andrew J Deeks, President, University College Dublin, Ireland

World-class universities: Characteristics and challenges

Qingquan Li, President, Shenzhen University, China

Path and exploration of the construction of first-class regional universities

Ong Siow Heng, Dean, International Affairs, Singapore Management University, Singapore

A case for preparing future-ready graduates: Grooming the future disruptive accounting professionals




Session VII: Rankers’ Perspective

Chair: Jan Sadlak, President, IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence

Ying Cheng, Director, Academic Ranking of World Universities/ ShanghaiRanking, China

Academic Ranking of World Universities and its new developments

Selina Griffin, Rankings Manager, QS Intelligence Unit, QS Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd., UK

Drilling down – from institution, to subject to program. Deriving rankings of greater relevance to more students and providers.

Phil Baty, Editorial Director, Global Rankings, Times Higher Education, UK

Pioneering new global teaching excellence rankings: How Times Higher Education forged new national and institutional partnerships to develop and internationalise innovative new teaching performance indicators

Robert Morse, Chief Data Strategist, U.S. News & World Report, USA

U. S. News Best Global Universities Rankings: An Inside Look at the Latest Results and Methodology


Coffee Break


Session VIII: Indicators of WCU

Chair: Alex Usher, President, Higher Education Strategy Associates, Canada

David Pendlebury, Senior Analyst, Clarivate Analytics, USA

Data-driven development of research and innovation for world class universities: Reforming rankings, counting participation, and meeting institutional missions

David Pendlebury, Senior Analyst, Clarivate Analytics, USA

Data-driven development of research and innovation for world class universities: Reforming rankings, counting participation, and meeting institutional missions

David Pendlebury, Senior Analyst, Clarivate Analytics, USA

Data-driven development of research and innovation for world class universities: Reforming rankings, counting participation, and meeting institutional missions

Palak Sheth, Director, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, India

Social purpose and elite (WC) universities: A study of conflict in roles, mission and vision


Closing Session

Nian Cai Liu, Dean of Graduate School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Jan Sadlak, President, IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence

Thursday, 9 November

Whole day

Post-conference social events

Whole day

Departure of participants