“Higher Education for Global Common Good” (HEGCG) is a platform that recognizes the importance of higher education in influencing the future of our global community. This platform is committed to fostering a space for open and inclusive discussions on the challenges and opportunities for promoting global common good through cooperation in higher education and scientific research. Its aim is to establish a venue where all stakeholders can come together to share their experiences, ideas, and knowledge, and work towards building an independent think tank for global common good.
HEGCG is initiated and governed by the Steering Committee, composed as follows:
Futao HUANG, Hiroshima University, Japan
Jenny J LEE, University of Arizona, the USA
Nian Cai LIU, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Simon MARGINSON, University of Oxford, the UK
Ka Ho Joshua MOK, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, HK SAR
HEGCG Policy Briefs focuses on world-class universities and influential higher education institutions and organizations, bringing together their efforts to promote global common good. The Policy Briefs are published quarterly in English.
Director: Nian Cai LIU, Zhuolin FENG
Editor: Xintong JIA
E-mail: hegcg@sjtu.edu.cn
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