
Class of 2022 Celebration: Better Late Than Never


Midsummer - when flowers bloom and another class prepares to graduate – is one of the most beautiful times on the SJTU campus. With such context, School of Education (SOE) held its 2nd commencement on June 21st both on and off campus in Shanghai -the first hybrid ceremony since SOE was established.

Professor LIU Niancai, Dean of SOE, first announced the names of Class of 2022 through videolink and had three messages for the graduate degree candidates: “cherish what you already have, chase after what you want and enjoy what you have to face”. Professor LIU said graduation was a new starting point of life and he wished every student to act positively in future work and take a down-to-earth attitude in future life.

Party Secretary WANG Linyuan, on behalf of SOE, sent gifts to graduates in person: a bear toy each with student’s name on it and a graduation mug, together as a rhyme for the word “lifetime”, entreating students to never forget their alma mater.

Graduates, then shared their thoughts about the school and SJTU. Many counted themselves fortunate for having had so many wonderful opportunities at SOE. One said she had loved SJTU ever since she came here and SOE was so incredible with all the faculty and staff helping students. Faculty members and staff also recalled their memorable moments with graduates by sharing videos, photos and poetry readings. They said it would be fun for both to reflect on these memories and sent their best wishes. They hoped graduates could follow their heart and inspire their students and young bucks to come.

In the end, WANG imparted several messages to graduates. She congratulated graduates and appreciated guidance from their supervisors. Standing at their transitional point in life, she hoped students could rise up to meet new challenges and find a balance between what they want and what they get. “Each of you has your own unique story to tell, but we, as SJTUers, all share in a proud tradition that binds us together. That is, be a man with integrity. Always show gratitude and shoulder responsibilities.” She said at last that as a professional in the field of education, every graduate should act as a role model and have a lasting impact on others.

As the last PowerPoint slide shows, SOE wishes every graduate good luck and has a sweet return to SJTU at any time.

Bon voyage, Class of 2022!

Written by CHEN Ruoxi

Edited by CHEN Ruoxi and MU Congjing