

3rd International Conference on World-Class Universities
1 - 4 November, 2009
Shanghai, China
Sunday, 1 November, 2009
Whole day Arrival of participants
19:00-21:00 Welcome reception
Monday, 2 November, 2009
8:30-9:00 Opening Session: Welcoming remarks and overview of meeting objectives
Prof. Nian Cai Liu, Dean, Graduate School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Dr. Jan Sadlak, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poland; President, IREG International Observatory on Ranking and Academic Excellence
Mr. Mark Garlinghouse, Senior Vice President & Managing Director, Asia Pacific, Thomson Reuters, Singapore
9:00-10:00 Session I: Keynote Lecture
Chair: Prof. Nian Cai Liu, Dean, Graduate School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Dr. Jamil Salmi, Tertiary Education Coordinator, The World Bank
"The challenge of establishing world-class universities"
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-12:00 Session II: The Role of WCU in National Systems – Part 1
Chair: Prof. Philip G. Altbach, Director, Center for International Higher Education, Boston College, USA
Prof. Simon Marginson, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne, Australia
"Global perspectives and strategies of Asia-Pacific research universities"
Mrs. Camelia Moraru, Center for University Development, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania
"Is developing elite universities a top priority agenda for HE in Romania? Analysis of the evolution of the HE sector's priorities and Romanian top universities strategies in developing excellence in research"
Dr. Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Center for the Advancement of Higher Education, Tohoku University, Japan
"The 'Global 30' and the consequences of selecting 'World Class Universities' in Japan"
General discussion
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Session III: The Role of WCU in National Systems – Part 2
Chair: Dr. Akiyoshi Yonezawa, Center for the Advancement of Higher Education, Tohoku University, Japan
Mr. Michael Gallagher, Executive Director, Group of Eight, Australia
"The role of elite institutions in national higher education and research systems, and the challenges of prosecuting the case for concentrating public investment in their development"
Dr. Wei Ping Yue, Principle Science and Solution Consultant, Thomson Reuters, China
"A quantitative perspective on the leading role of top universities in China"
Prof. Natalia Ruiz-Rodgers, Academic Vice President, National University of Colombia, Colombia
"The role of the National University of Colombia as a leading Institution in the country"
General discussion
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-18:00 Session IV: Institutional Practices of Building WCU – Part 1
Chair: Prof. Harold M. Maurer, Chancellor, University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA
Prof. Seeram Ramakrishna, Vice President for Research Strategy, National University of Singapore, Singapore
"Emergence of Asian Universities as centers of new knowledge generation and cornerstones for nation's competitiveness: A case study of the National University of Singapore"
Prof. Jacques Lanarès, Vice Rector for Development of Teaching and Quality, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
"Developing a quality culture to become a world-class university"
Prof. Etienne Zé Amvela, Vice Rector for Internal Control and Evaluation, University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon
"The role of elite universities in Africa: A case study of the University of Yaoundé I in Cameroon"
Prof. Colin Grant, Vice President and Dean of International Relations, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
"The Global Partnership Network"
General discussion
19:00-21:00 Dinner
Tuesday, 3 November, 2009
8:30-9:30 Session V: Keynote Lecture
Chair: Dr. Jamil Salmi, Tertiary Education Coordinator, The World Bank
Prof. John Casteen, President, University of Virginia, USA
"Effective university management in difficult times"
9:30-10:00 Coffee Break
10:00-12:00 Session VI: Institutional Practices of Building WCU – Part 2
Chair: Prof. Seeram Ramakrishna, Vice President for Research Strategy, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Prof. Harold M. Maurer, Chancellor, University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA
"Becoming a world-renowned health sciences cneter in the era of the global market: Institutional effort and policies for the promotion of academic talent"
Prof. Martin Vetterli, Vice-President for Institutional Affairs, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
"Riding on the globalization wave: EPFL's strategy and achievements""
Prof. Chris Marlin, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research, Flinders University, Australia
"Research focus and the strategic use of research resources"
Prof. Zuhier A. Damanhouri, Vice President for Development, King Abdulazi University, Saudi Arabia
"Transformation towards a world-class university: Actions and prospectives in the case of King Abdulaziz University"
General discussion
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:50 Session VII: Theoretical and Historical Aspects of WCU – Part 1
Chair: Prof. N. Jayaram, Dean, School of Social Sciences, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India
Dr. Francisco Marmolejo, University of Arizona, USA
"The long road towards Mexican research universities of excellence: The case of Monterrey Institute of Technology's main campus"
Prof. Gerard Postiglione, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, China
"Establishing a research university: The case of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology"
Dr. Hena Mukherjee, International Consultant, Malaysia, and Prof. Poh Kam Wong,Director of the Entrepreneurship Centre, National University of Singapore, Singapore
"The National University of Singapore and the University of Malaya: Common roots, different paths"
Mr. Peter N. Materu, Senior Education Specialist, The World Bank
"World‐Class Universities: Case studies from Africa"
General discussion
15:50-16:10 Coffee Break
16:10-18:00 Session VIII: Theoretical and Historical Aspects of WCU – Part 2
Chair: Prof. Gerard Postiglione, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, China
Prof. N. Jayaram, Dean, School of Social Sciences, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India
"Fostering excellence in technology education: The IIT system and IIT Bombay"
Prof. Byung Rhee, Department of Education, Yonsei University, South Korea
"A private path to a world‐class research university: A case study of Pohang University of Science & Technology, South Korea"
Prof. Isak Froumin, Senior Education Specialist, The World Bank, Russia
"Renaissance of social and economic sciences in Russia through establishing a new researchuniversity"
Dr. Qi Wang, Graduate School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
"Building world-class universities in Mainland China: Ten years' experience of Shanghai Jiao Tong University"
General discussion
19:00-21:00 Conference Dinner
Chair: Dr. David Liu, Managing Director, Thomson Reuters, China
Mr. Philip Baty, Deputy Editor, Times Higher Education, United Kingdom
"Being world-class: challenges and threats for the world's top institutions"
Wednesday, 4 November, 2009
8:30-9:30 Session IX: Keynote Lecture
Chair: Prof. Marijk van der Wende, Dean, Amsterdam University College, Netherlands
Prof. Philip G. Altbach, Director, Center for International Higher Education, Boston College, USA
"The past, present and future of World-Class Universities"
9:30-10:00 Coffee Break
10:00-11:30 Session X: WCU from the Perspective of Ranking and Classification
Chair: Prof. Simon Marginson, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Marijk van der Wende, Dean, Amsterdam University College, Netherlands
"Towards a European approach to ranking"
Dr. Ghislaine Filliatreau, Director, Observatoire des Sciences et des Techniques, France
"Reference classes: A ranking-based benchmarking tool"
Mr. Gero Federkeil, Project Manager, Center for Higher Education Development, Germany
"Multidimensional excellence of higher education institutions: Recognising and acknowledging world-class performances"
General discussion
11:30-12:00 Coffee Break
12:00-12:30 Special Session: Publication of Academic Ranking of World Universities 2009
Chair: Dr. Jan Sadlak, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poland; President, IREG International Observatory on Ranking and Academic Excellence
Dr. Ying Cheng, Graduate School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,China
"Academic Ranking of World Universities 2009"
12:30-13:00 Closing Session
Dr. Jan Sadlak, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poland; President, IREG International Observatory on Ranking and Academic Excellence
Prof. Nian Cai Liu, Dean, Graduate School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:30-22:00 Social Events
Thursday, 5 November, 2009
Whole day Departure of participants