【讲座通知】加拿大麦吉尔大学Alenoush Saroyan教授学术讲座通知
报告题目:Evaluating University Teaching
时间: 12 月 6 日下午 1:30–3:30
地点:陈瑞球楼 242 会议室
In this presentation, I will first discuss the value and necessity of evaluating university teaching. I will then share the results of an international survey, carried out by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), of common approaches to fostering quality teaching including evaluation, and discuss issues concerning validity and reliability associated with the most common approach: student course ratings. I will end the presentation by elaborating on how teaching is evaluated at McGill University.
Dr. Alenoush Saroyan is a Professor of Educational Psychology and the previous Chair of the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology at McGill University in Montréal, Canada. Her areas of specialization and research include postsecondary teaching and learning, academic leadership, program design, and quality assurance.
As a consultant to various international organizations including the World Bank, the OECD, UNESCO, the European Commission, and The Canadian International Development Agency, Dr. Saroyan has worked on the reform of higher education systems, on the development of quality assurance frameworks and practices, and on professional development of academics. She publishes regularly and has been invited as a keynote speaker to policy oriented conferences to more than 20 countries. One of her books entitled “Rethinking Teaching in Higher Education” captures a model of academic development that has now been adopted by more than 15 institutions nationally and internationally.